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          當前位置: 首頁 > 常用設備 > 其它常用設備 > HB 10 digital加熱鍋

          HB 10 digital加熱鍋


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                HB 10 digital加熱鍋優質環保材料制成;加熱器處于容器底部


                    HB 10 digital加熱鍋詳細介紹

                    The digital display featured on IKA?’s heating bath HB10 offers each user a high ease of operation. The temperature control can be adjusted with a micro controller. With the help of an infrared interface, the heating bath HB 10 digital can communicate with the rotary evaporator RV 10 digital and control. Additionally, it offers three selectable operating modes. These allow for:
                    A: clear regulation of all parameters
                    B: a fixable safety temperature setting avoids unintentional readjustments
                    C: fixable set- and safety temperatures

                    Therefore, it is the first choice when it comes to ?heating and tempering” in the lab and offers a heating power of 1350 watts. IKA?’s heating bath HB 10 digital is suitable as a water- or oil heating bath for the tempering of liquids. It is particularly suited for use with IKA?‘s rotary evaporator RV 10. Here, the optimized bath shape is adapted to the evaporator flask’s geometry. This allows for quicker heating periods than with conventional products. Laterally arranged carrying handles allow for the heating bath’s safe handling and offer protection from burns. In case of errors, an adjustable safety circuit switches the heating bath off permanently. If there is no more heating medium left in the bath, the circuit prevents further heating. The heating bath HB 10 digital is designed with high-quality, recyclable materials and therefore contributes to resource-preserving production. Accessories: A shield, HB 10.1, and a protective cover, HB 10.2, are available.

                    The heating bath HB 10 digital’s key characteristics are:
                    - Water- and oil heating bath for tempering of liquids
                    - Heating power 1350 watts
                    - Particularly suited for operation with the rotary evaporator RV 10
                    - Optimized bath shape for quick heating
                    - Integrated carrying handles for safe handling
                    - Adjustable safety circuit, for a safe switch-off in the case of errors
                    - Protection against dry running
                    - High-quality recyclable materials
                    - Digital display makes for easy operation
                    - Temperature controlled by micro controller
                    - IR interface for communication with the rotary evaporator RV 10 digital/control
                    - Choice of operating modes A; B; C;
                    HB 10 digital加熱鍋技術參數:

                    加熱輸出功率?1350 W
                    加熱溫度范圍?室溫 - 180 °C
                    加熱溫度控制精確度?1 ±K
                    調節器波動(3升水/90°C)?1 ±K
                    調節器波動 (3升硅膠油 / 50mPas / 150°C)?2 ±K
                    浴槽*大容量?3 l
                    *小注水點?50 mm
                    物料接觸部分材料?不銹鋼 1.4301
                    固定安全溫度回路?180 °C
                    可調安全溫度回路*小值?50 °C
                    可調安全溫度回路*大值?190 °C
                    DIN 12877安全級別?II
                    外部高度?185 mm
                    內部高度?134 mm
                    外形尺寸?295 x 190 x 265 mm
                    重量?3 kg
                    允許環境溫度?5 - 40 °C
                    允許相對濕度?80 %
                    DIN EN 60529 保護方式?IP 21
                    電壓?220 - 240 / 200 - 240 / 100 - 120 / 100 V
                    頻率?50/60 Hz
                    儀器輸入功率?1350 W



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