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          當前位置: 首頁 > 常用設備 > LR-2.ST 系統含蓋子

          LR-2.ST 系統含蓋子


                  數量:(庫存 100)



                LR-2.ST 系統(含蓋子)Manufacturing cremes, lotions, emulsions 。 Liposome preparations in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sector


                    LR-2.ST 系統詳細介紹:

                    The IKA? LR-2.ST system is a modulary designed miniplant reactor system, planned and designed to simulate and optimize chemical reaction processes as well as mixing, dispersion and homogenization processes at a model scale with a maximum volume of 2000 ml.
                    Depending on the seal (FFPM), the medium in the reactor vessel can be heated up to 230 °C. Vacuum operation is possible up to 25 mbar.
                    The IKA? laboratory software labworldsoft? is providing convenient solutions for measuring, control, regulating tasks and documentation purposes.
                    The system is planned and designed to simulate and optimize chemical reactions processes as well as mixing, dispersion and homogenization processes at a model scale.

                    Volume max.: 2000 ml
                    Volume min. (stirring): 500 ml
                    Volume min. (dispersing): 800 ml

                    Some applications are:
                    - Manufacturing cremes, lotions, emulsions
                    - Liposome preparations in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sector
                    - Mixing solids such as calcium carbonate, talc, titanium oxide, etc. into liquid polymers
                    - Mixing additives and solid polymer compounds into mineral oils
                    - Grinding and disintegrating solids and fibres in liquids and polymers

                    LR-2.ST laboratory system consisting of:
                    - LR-2 Stand system
                    - EUROSTAR power control-visc P7: Laboratory stirrer with a high torque (380 Ncm), constant speed, digital display of rated - and actual speed, infinitely adjustable speed range 8 - 290 min-1, integrated torque trend display for viscosity control, RS 232 / analog interface
                    - LR 2000.11 Anchor stirrer with flow borings, without scraper

                    Please order reactor vessel separately.

                    LR-2.ST 系統技術參數:


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